rheem hot water cylindersWe install, repair and relocate hot water cylinders and can also upgrade your low-pressure to a mains-pressure cylinder. Following installation or repair, we’ll provide a maintenance plan to help keep your system operating efficiently and optimise the lifespan of your hot water cylinder. We’re experienced with all brands and can advise the best size to suit your requirements.


Hot Water Cylinder FAQs

What sizes do hot water cylinders come in?

Anything from 25L up to 300L for domestic purposes

Do I need high pressure or low pressure?

Most tapware is now designed for high pressure. This includes all new builds. You may need a low-pressure hot water cylinder if you;

  • have a wetback.
  • want to minimise costs when replacing an existing low-pressure cylinder.

If you wanted to upgrade from low to high pressure, this requires changing the HWC valve kit. As a precaution, we check for leaks in existing plumbing and tapware but this is rarely a problem.

How long should a hot water cylinder last?

Modern hot water cylinders should last 10-20 years. The natural PH level of the water will affect this, as will the mineral composition of the water.

Hot Water Cylinder Repairs

Why is my hot water cylinder overflowing?

This is a problem associated with a safety valve on a newer hot water cylinder or an ajax valve on a low-pressure cylinder. This is a relatively cheap fix.

Should it make a gurgling noise?

No, never. It may be that the water is boiling in the cylinder. You would need to call an electrician to fix this. Wetbacks will normally make more noise.

Why is my hot water pressure so low?

There could be a number of different causes and resolving this will be a process of elimination;

  • Blockages.
  • Filters.
  • Pumping problems.
  • Size of pipes.
  • Demand at the time.
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