Plumbers and Gasfitters WhangareiAccurate Plumbing and Gas has over 20 years’ experience in large-scale commercial projects. Our team of dedicated professionals have the expertise to work closely with project managers, ensuring that large scale jobs run seamlessly according to plan. Weather its plumbing or gas fitting requirements, we are committed to promptly and cost-effectively meeting all your needs. From commercial to industrial buildings, we have the knowledge to assist with you from new build to maintenance. We delivery quality service and tailored solutions to match your specific project requirements.

  • Supplying and installing commercial plumbing systems
  • Installing plumbing and gas systems for commercial kitchens
  • Commercial kitchen refits
  • Repairing, supplying, installing, and certifying commercial gas hot water systems
  • Repairing and maintaining commercial plumbing systems
  • Providing scheduled regular servicing for gas and plumbing systems

With Accurate Plumbing, you are engaging a team of seasoned professionals. We ensure all your plumbing needs are met on time and within budget, minimizing disruption to your business operations​ We serve a wide range of commercial and industrial buildings with our extensive knowledge and experience.


Comprehensive Commercial Plumbing Services

We are equipped to handle all your commercial plumbing needs, including, but not limited to:

  • Leak Detection
  • Burst Water Pipes
  • Commercial Plumbing Repairs and Maintenance
  • Plumbing Installations
  • Bathroom Refurbishments
  • Construction & Renovation
  • Emergency Plumbing.

We also specialize in backflow prevention testing, installation, repairs, and maintenance, and we offer gasfitting repairs, maintenance, safety checks, and new line installations.

Licensed, Insured and Compliant

Accurate Plumbing is fully licensed and insured. We adhere strictly to health and safety codes, and we are committed to the highest standards of workplace safety. We believe all accidents are preventable and prioritize safety before proceeding with any work.

Free Consultation, Quotes & Estimates

We provide free consultations, quotes, and estimates for our services. We would love to hear from you. Feel free to call us today or send us an email, and one of our professionals will be in touch directly.

Energy Efficient Solutions

We offer a range of energy-efficient solutions for your plumbing requirements. These can help lower your energy costs and reduce your company’s carbon footprint, contributing to a greener environment.

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